Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What's Silica?

Most manufacturers and retailers define silica as harmless and inert, so they add silica and market their MSM as “organic”. Here are parts of articles taken at random off the internet:  
The chemical compound silicon dioxide, also known as silica (from the Latin silex), is an oxide of silicon with a chemical formula of SiO2 and has been known for its hardness since antiquity. Silica is most commonly found in nature as sand or quartz, as well as in the cell walls of diatoms. Silica is the most abundant mineral in the earth's crust. Silica is used in the production of:
  • Soda-lime glass, typically found in drinking glasses, bottles, and windows.
  • Raw material for many white-ware ceramics such as earthenware, stoneware and porcelain.
  • Raw material for the production of Portland cement.
  • A food additive, primarily as a flow agent in powdered foods, or to absorb water.
Silica can protect silicon, store a charge, block current, and even act as a controlled pathway to allow small currents to flow through a device. It is also the raw material for aerogel in the Stardust spacecraft.

Slica is the powder in the small packets that are included with electronics and transistor components to reduce moisture. It is also in the small packages in some powdered food products (like pills and health powders) so the powder doesn't clump or the pills don't destabilize or decompose from excessive moisture. On the packets it is clearly marked we should not eat silica.

Slica blocks body energy and unnecessarily absorbs water, both of which have a detrimental effect on our bodies. It is an insulator and interrupts the dynamic body energy processes. Silica is quite detrimental to body energy and when added to powdered MSM, makes the sulfur less efficient. Our estimate, after ten years research, is from 50% to 70% less effective. Silica is a packaging agent that shouldn't be in our bodies and blocks the sulfur from doing its job.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Oxygenate your body - How to restore oxygen

Oxygenate your body - How to restore oxygen balance and help prevent disease 

(NaturalNews) In my health practice, I have found many people don't realize that oxygen is one of the primary catalysts for energy and optimal health in the human body.

Oxygen plays a vital role, not only in our breathing processes but in every metabolic process in the body. Nutrient compounds inside our cells are oxidized by enzymes and this oxidation process is our main source of energy.

In addition, healthy cells in the body are aerobic, meaning they require adequate levels of oxygen for cellular respiration and growth. When cells are deprived of oxygen for any reason, decay sets in and cells can mutate or die.

The Oxygen Cancer Connection

Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 Nobel prize winner, discovered a close connection between oxygen and cancer. His studies showed that the primary cause of cancer is directly related to oxygen-deprived cells. In fact, he found that cancer cells are anaerobic and actually thrive in an oxygen-deficient environment.

Warburg also discovered that a slightly alkaline pH in the body meant higher levels of oxygen uptake. These days, having a low blood oxygen level is a normal clinical finding for people with chronic diseases.

How Oxygen Is Utilized in the Body

Oxygen utilization is a highly complex process in the body, but the simpler version goes something like this: When we inhale, oxygen from the air we breathe is diffused through membranes and into red blood cells. The oxygen-rich blood then circulates throughout the body and finds tissues in need of oxygen.

Enzymes in the body combine with the oxygen molecules and initiate many metabolic (i.e., oxidative) processes in the body. One of the waste products of oxidation is carbon dioxide, which is then released from the cells into the blood. It combines with hemoglobin and bicarbonates and is transported back to the lungs -- where the process starts all over again.
How Oxygen Supports Body Detoxification

Health in the human body depends to a large degree on how efficiently nutrients can be absorbed and utilized at the cellular level, as well as how effectively the toxins and wastes can be removed.

Cellular waste is removed from the body in several ways. Part of the waste is dissolved in water and transported to the kidneys and liver for filtration. It is then eliminated through the urine and bowels. Toxins are also excreted from the body through perspiration.

However, some of the most toxic poisons in the body can only be "burnt up" and neutralized through oxidation. This is the job of oxygen-rich red blood cells that circulate from the lungs and into the deeper organs and glands of the body.

Minimizing your exposure to environmental toxins (e.g., using air and water filters, eating organic foods, using toxic-free personal care products) while restoring oxygen balance in the body is a commonsense plan for cellular rejuvenation and disease prevention. The following are just a few simple ways to improve oxygenation in your body.

How to Restore Oxygen Balance in the Body

Alkaline diet. Even though there are many conflicting charts and articles online about how to increase body alkalinity through diet, it's really quite simple. Increase the amount of plant-based foods in your diet and reduce the amount of processed foods and animal-based foods, which are acidifying. If nothing else, increase the amount of dark, leafy green vegetables, such as kale, spinach, Swiss chard, parsley, sprouts, collard greens, and mustard greens, just to name a few. Organic super green supplements that contain chlorella, spirulina, barley grass, and alfalfa grass, in particular, also help to alkalize the body.

Adequate Hydration. Drinking enough water daily is essential not only for the utilization of oxygen in the body but also for transporting the blood and other bodily fluids. Without adequate water, all bodily functions are diminished, including cellular respiration and the removal of toxins and metabolic wastes. Drinking filtered water is necessary to get the full benefits of oxygenation. Restructured or ionized water is micro-clustered (creating smaller groupings of water molecules) and will thus provide higher levels of hydration and oxygenation at the cellular level.

Proper Breathing. Dr. K.P. Buteyko is a physiologist and clinical physician who devoted 50 years of his life to the study of respiration. According to Buteyko, sick people breathe using the upper chest and inhale more air, which causes reduced oxygen levels in body cells. Chest breathing causes us to take in too much air per inhalation and constricts blood vessels. Healthy breathing is slow (about 12 breaths per minute), from the diaphragm (rather than the chest), through the nose (rather than mouth) and is quiet and light. Contrary to popular belief, deep or rapid breathing techniques do not increase oxygenation! See resource below for Dr. Buteyko's do-it-yourself Body Oxygen Test.

Daily Exercise. Increase aerobic exercise such as walking, hiking or bicycling. Aerobic exercise will help your body utilize oxygen and remove waste through the lymphatic system. Whereas the circulatory system has the heart to pump blood throughout the body, the lymphatic system has no pump. Lymph gets circulated and flushed primarily through movement. Thus, from the standpoint of health and body oxygenation, you would be better off walking for 15 minutes a day rather than spending an hour or more in the gym 2 to 3 times a week. The most effective exercise I have found for flushing lymph is the mini-trampoline (rebounder). Two minutes of rebounding can flush the entire lymph and triple the production of white blood cells - a super immunity booster.

Adequate oxygenation and a healthy body pH are essential to health and vitality. Just a few of the potential benefits of maintaining body oxygenation at a balanced level include: enhanced brain function, stress reduction, increased energy, and a longer and healthier life.

Another way to get Oxygen into your body is through Organic Sulfur.
Read more about it here > WWW.CELLULAR-OXYGENATION.COM

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chlorine One of the Dangers that lurks in our Water Supply

One of the Dangers that lurks in our Water Supply

It was used as a poison mustard gas in World War I and as a chemical weapon in the Iraq War. It's the primary ingredient in bleach and in disinfectants. It's also used to make plastics, insecticides, and solvents for dry cleaning and metal degreasing.
So you have to believe me when I tell you that anything with this type of resume couldn't possibly be good to swallow. And in fact, plenty of studies have shown that you could also add carcinogen to its lengthy list of accomplishments.
If all of this is true, there's just one thing I want to know: Why is the government dumping it into our water???

Chlorine: A good idea gone bad
Chances are, if you had lived in the 19th century, you would have been as gung-ho about adding chlorine to the water supply as everyone else was. People were so scared, you could have told them you were adding arsenic to the water and they would have gulped it up. That's because everyone lived in fear of contracting a waterborne disease such as typhoid fever, cholera, or dysentery. And it's no wonder: People who contracted cholera, for example, suffered from vomiting and diarrhea so severe that they could be dead less than twenty-four hours after coming down with it.

But acting out of fear never did anyone much good--not in the long run, anyway. In this case, the harmful effects of a lifetime of drinking and bathing in chlorinated water are much more silent--but just as deadly--as the diseases it was meant to save you from.
Chlorine has been proven to harden arteries, destroy proteins in the body, irritate the skin and sinuses, and aggravate asthma, allergies, and respiratory problems. But chlorine also has a number of byproducts, each of which carries its own list of side effects. Chloroform speeds the aging process and causes cholesterol to oxidize, and DCA (Dichloro acidic acid) has been shown to cause liver cancer in lab animals.

In fact, a U.S. Council of Environmental Quality study states that "Cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher than among those whose water does not contain chlorine." Is that a clear message, or what?

Consequences of chlorine exposure
So what's so dangerous about this chemical? Not much, in and of itself. But when chlorine is combined with other sources, most of them organic (or natural), it takes on a whole new form--literally.

One of the main reasons why chlorine is so useful for so many different applications is because it so readily combines with other substances. The problem is, once it combines with other compounds--even if the compounds themselves are completely safe--the end results can form deadly toxins such as dioxin and PCBs, and carcinogens such as THMs (trihalo-methanes) and MXs (unknown mutagens).

Like it or not, if you're drinking tap water, you can be sure you're gulping down these and other carcinogens by the glassful. But don't just take my word for it. Studies have shown that both THMs and MXs are present in the vast majority of all water supplies that have been treated with chlorine. Here's why: When chlorine combines with humus (the final breakdown stage of substances such as leaves and vegetation) and with other organic matter present in the water, it creates THMs.

But newer research has shown that the MXs--those unknown mutagens--are 170 times more harmful than THMs. One study done in Finland found that MXs caused significant damage to the thyroid gland and also led to the development of cancerous tumors. The most frightening part about these deadly toxins is that they're formed when chlorine interacts with phytochemicals found in plants.

You know that I frown on purely vegetarian diets and that I believe it's foolhardy to think that you can eat a truly nutritious, fully balanced diet without animal fat and protein. But I've never said that fruits and vegetables are BAD for you. In fact, most contain nutrients that are very GOOD for you--substances such as Coenzyme Q10, vitamin B2, and vitamin E, just to name a very few. It's substances just like these (whether you get them in their whole food form or from a supplement)-- ones that have been shown to have numerous anti-cancer properties--that chlorine can latch on to and mutate into lethal MXs.

But relying on bottled water or buying a filter for your faucet isn't good enough--not by a long shot. Because as harmful as chlorine can be when you absorb it through your digestive tract, it's nothing compared to the toxic levels you absorb through inhalation. Unless you're one who frequents indoor pools, the most toxic place you can be is in your shower. The steam that's created when you take a hot shower is filled with chlorine that enters directly into your lungs.
Unfortunately, the mucous membranes of your bronchi, the breathing tubes that connect your larynx to your lungs, are highly absorbent of basic chemicals such as chlorine. Breathing it in provides a more direct portal for the substance to enter your bloodstream--which then spreads it though your entire body.

The poolside danger no life jacket can save you from
Through the years dozens of readers have asked me if it's safe to swim in pools because of the high chlorine content. The answer is without a doubt, "no."

Although there are restrictions on the levels of THMs permitted in tap water, there's no limit on the amount permitted in pool water. This poses a real threat to swimmers because, again, you absorb more through your skin and through inhalation than you do through your digestive tract. One particular study showed that the dose of chloroform, a specific THM, was 141 times higher than what you'd get from a 10-minute shower and 93 percent higher than what you'd get from a glass of chlorinated tap water.

You don't have to be a sprocket scientist (a highly trained changer of light bulbs) to realize that the byproducts of chlorine aren't just IN the pool--they're around the water as well. Several studies have shown that people who swim in or work around indoor pools have a much higher incidence of asthma. And researchers in Belgium found that this toxic exposure increased the permeability of the lung epithelium, making it even easier for the substance to spread throughout your system.

Dr. K. Thickett, a researcher at the Occupational Lung Diseases Unit at the Birmingham Heartlands Hospital said, "Our results show, indeed, that nitrogen trichloride (produced by chlorine) is a cause of occupational asthma in indoor swimming pool workers like lifeguards and swim instructors."

Trichloride is one of those byproducts I told you about that forms when chlorine mixes with an organic substance. (In a swimming pool that would most likely result from sweat, dander, urine, or other bodily substances.) Other byproducts are formed as a result as well, but I don't think I need to mention them all individually. The point is that they're there--and they're extremely dangerous.

Five (5) ways to protect yourself from this deadly toxin
So what should you do in the face of this unrelenting chemical warfare against you and your family? There's only one answer: Eliminate chlorine from your environment.

Here's what you'll need to do:
  1.  Purchase a filter for your shower. I recommend the Shower Safe filter from Dr. Roy Speicer. To order one, call (800)444-3563 and give them this order code: AG11073.
  2. Buy a reverse-osmosis filter. This is a great filter because it sifts out heavy metals and contaminants--and it removes harmful additives such as chlorine and fluoride. The filter should be placed where the water comes into the house so that it covers the water supply going through your entire house.
  3. If you don't want to purchase a filter for your drinking water, I suggest that you buy bottled water from private companies. But you must be careful: Much of the bottled water is bogus tap water. You must see a report from an independent laboratory to verify that this water is truly potable.
  4. Don't put chlorine in your pool. A much better option is to treat the water with hydrogen peroxide, ozone gas, or ultraviolet light. Although the initial cost is higher, you'll save money in the long run because it will reduce operating and maintenance costs. Contact your pool service to see if they carry these technologies or if they can point you to a local company that does.
  5. If you want to speak to an expert in the field, you could always consult with a water engineer at your local college. He can advise you on reverse-osmosis filters, hydrogen peroxide addition to the water, and even the use of salt water as a purification system for your pool.
When it comes to removing these toxins from your environment, no one makes it easy or inexpensive. But trust me (in the words of L'Oreal): You're worth it.

Plight of the human guinea pig
Chlorine has got to go. And I predict that it will, eventually.  But don't get your hopes up when the experts and bureaucrats introduce the next wave of chemical additives.  You can bet your bottom dollar that they'll be 10 times worse than chlorine and fluoride ever were.  They'll be untested just as chlorine and fluoride were untested, and we'll be the guinea pigs--just as before.

In fact, the water people are now playing around with chloramines, a chlorine/ammonia mix that may be 300 times more toxic than the chloroform you're drinking now.  This new mix of old toxins is linked to iodoacids, which have been found to be extremely toxic in laboratory animals. Drink up! 

Is Fluoride Really As Safe As You Are Told?

Fluoride is added to the water supply of most American cities for the ostensible purpose of dental hygiene. The reader will be amazed to find out that such a thing is not only unlikely, but actually the reverse of the ongoing reality
The U.S. has been fluoridating drinking water for so many decades that we hardly think about it. Very few articles appear about fluoridation in newspapers and magazines any more.

At least chlorine will evaporate from a glass of water if you let it sit for an hour or so. No such luck with fluoride. Even cooking, food processing, filtration, or digestion doesn‘t remove fluoride. Goes right up the food chain. Accumulates in fat cells.

This Is No Accident.
What would you do if you suddenly found out that fluoride was not safe at all, but was actually a carcinogenic industrial waste?

What would you think if you suddenly found out that fluoride doesn‘t stop tooth decay at all, but actually causes teeth to rot and crumble, and by the same mechanism also causes osteoporosis?
And after you found out all this, would it surprise you that all federal health agencies have known these facts for years, but have been controlled by the political interests of the nuclear arms, aluminum, and phosphate manufacturers to keep it a secret?

Why would they do that? So that, in the total absence of scientific proofs, a toxic industrial waste could be passed off on the public as a nutrient with necessary health benefits, to the tune of $10 billion per year. Or more.
Is a deception of this magnitude possible for the sophisticated, discerning American public? Perhaps Lance Ito could answer a question like that.

Let‘s start at the beginning.

What Is Fluoride?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Could Sulfur Deficiency be a Contributing Factor in

Could Sulfur Deficiency be a Contributing Factor in
Obesity, Heart Disease, Alzheimer's
and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

1. Introduction

Obesity is quickly becoming the number one health issue confronting America today, and has also risen to epidemic proportions worldwide. Its spread has been associated with the adoption of a Western-style diet. However, I believe that the widespread consumption of food imports produced by U.S. companies plays a crucial role in the rise in obesity worldwide. Specifically, these "fast foods" typically include heavily processed derivatives of corn, soybeans, and grains, grown on highly efficient mega-farms. Furthermore, I will argue in this essay that one of the core underlying causes of obesity may be sulfur deficiency.

Sulfur is the eighth most common element by mass in the > human body, behind oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. The two sulfur-containing amino acids, methionine and cysteine, play essential physiological roles throughout the body. However, sulfur has been consistently overlooked in addressing the issues of nutritional deficiencies. In fact, the American Food and Drug Administration has not even assigned a minimum daily requirement (MDR) for sulfur. One consequence of sulfur's limbo nutritional status is that it is omitted from the long list of supplements that are commonly artificially added to popular foods like cereal.
Sulfur is found in a large number of foods, and, as a consequence, it is assumed that almost any diet would meet the minimum daily requirements. Excellent sources are eggs, onions, garlic, and leafy dark green vegetables like kale and broccoli. Meats, nuts, and seafood also contain sulfur. Methionine, an essential amino acid, in that we are unable to synthesize it ourselves, is found mainly in egg whites and fish. A diet high in grains like bread and cereal is likely to be deficient in sulfur. Increasingly, whole foods such as corn and soybeans are disassembled into component parts with chemical names, and then reassembled into heavily processed foods. Sulfur is lost along the way, and there is a lack of awareness that this matters.

Experts have recently become aware that sulfur depletion in the soil creates a serious deficiency for plants [Jez2008], brought about in part by improved efficiency in farming and in part, ironically, by successful attempts to clean up air pollution. Over the last two decades, the U.S. farming industry has steadily consolidated into highly technologized mega farms. The high yield per acre associated with these farms results in greater depletion of sulfur each year by the tall, densely planted crops. Plants require sulfur in the form of the sulfate radical (SO4-2). Bacteria in well aerated soil, similar to nitrogen fixing bacteria, can convert elemental sulfur into sulfate through an oxidation process. Coal contains a significant amount of sulfur, and factories that burn coal for energy release sulfur dioxide into the air. Over time, sun exposure converts the sulfur dioxide to sulfate, a significant contributor to acid rain. Acid rain is a serious pollutant, in that hydrogen sulfate, a potent acid, penetrates lakes, making them too acidic for lifeforms to thrive. The Clean Air Act, enacted by congress in 1980, has led to substantial decreases in the amount of acid rain released into the atmosphere. Factories have introduced highly effective scrubbing technologies to comply with the law, and, as a consequence, less sulfate makes its way back into the soil.

Modern farmers apply highly concentrated fertilizer to their soil, but this fertilizer is typically enriched in phosphates and often contains no sulfur. Excess phosphates interfere with sulfur absorption. In the past, organic matter and plant residues remained after the fruit and grain were harvested. Such accumulating organic matter used to be a major source of recyclable sulfur. However, many modern machinery-based methods remove a great deal more of the organic matter in addition to the edible portions of the plant. So the sulfur in the decaying organic matter is also lost.
It is estimated that humans obtain about 10% of their sulfur supply from drinking water. Remarkably, people who drink soft water have an increased risk to heart disease compared to people who drink hard water [Crawford1967]. Many possible reasons have been suggested for why this might be true ( Proposed theories for soft water/hard water differences in heart disease), and just about every trace metal has been considered as a possibility [Biorck1965]. However, I believe that the real reason may simply be that hard water is more likely to contain sulfur. The sulfate ion is the most useful form of sulfur for humans to ingest. Water softeners provide a convenient environment for sulfur-reducing bacteria, which convert sulfate (SO4-2) into sulfide (S-2), emitting hydrogen sulfide gas. Hydrogen sulfide gas is a poison that has been known to cause nausea, illness and, in extreme cases, death. When the bacteria are thriving, the gas will diffuse into the air and give off a foul odor. Obviously, it is rare that the concentration is sufficiently high to cause severe problems. But the sulfate ion is lost through the process. Water that is naturally soft, such as water collected from rain run-off, also contains little or no sulfur, because it has gone through an evaporation-condensation cycle, which leaves behind all the heavier molecules, including sulfur....




Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Organic sulfur crystal study healings

Organic sulfur crystal study healings (numerous conditions)

It’s too bad that the medical profession does not live up to this part of their oath.
Synthetic, toxic chemical prescription
Drug’s do not heal but merely suppress symptoms while never addressing the cause. Organic sulfur crystals, along with a relatively clean or synthetic chemical-free diet,
will dramatically change one’s health for the better, thereby improving one’s quality of life.
….   and, let us remember the foundations of healing
Original Hippocratic Oath

The Cellular Matrix Study, centered around Organic Sulfur Crystals, was started 12 years ago,
after the Director’s son did not die of testicular cancer despite being sent home to die by the cancer doctors.
His therapy?
One tablespoon of Organic Sulfur Crystals twice a day.

Why twice a day? because the oxygen permeating the body from the crystals leaves the body in 12 hours.
Twice a day, therefore, creates an aerobic environment in the body constantly.
Originally, the study was started as a photographic study. All that was required was a before and after photograph, six months apart, of the face.
The photograph would have indicated the cellular transformation within the body- evident in the face. What happened was startling.
Telephone calls kept coming in from all parts of the world indicating unbelievable results. Before delving into that it should be noted that a study done at the Institute of Human Nutrition, School of Medicine, University of South Hampton in the UK, in 2006, discovered that the crystals produce all essential amino acids, the production of Omega3 fatty acids and B complex vitamins, including vitamin B-12 – a blessing for those that consume no animal flesh.

In addition to the reversal of cancer,

People with diabetes reported a minimum of a 20% reduction in their insulin requirements to total elimination of the need for insulin.
The lowering of the numbers increased exponentially when their diets increasingly became free from preservatives, pesticides and other toxic chemicals.

The situation with high blood pressure is best described as no one is still on blood pressure lowering medication. 

Those that were taking anti-depressants no longer take them. 

With regard to those with neurological and/or traumatic degenerative disease the response was slow. This is due to the fact that the myelin is multi-layered and thick and takes longer to respond.  Nonetheless, people reversed the degenerative process.

With regard to Parkinson’s disease, 37 people reported no longer shaking or drooling; 45 people reversed Alzheimer’s disease; 36 people reported reversals in emphysema; and also asthma reversal was reported. 

Six candidates for by-pass surgery reported being symptom free in 8 to 12 months. The most prolific result was the reversal of autism in a little girl that developed autism after being vaccinated two years ago.  She had been receiving the sulfur through mothers milk for three days.

With regard to osteoporosis, one person reported going from a (-) 3-bone density to a (+) 2 within 5 months and countless others reported the total alleviation of joint pain within days. Also reported were elimination of allergies, healthier skin, hair and nails, greater flexibility and increased blood circulation,

removal of hangover symptoms within 30 minutes, and reduction in the scar tissue associated with cataract surgery. People living in Hawaii are subjected to vog, which arises when southerly winds blow toxic vapor from the Big Island’s active volcano statewide. Those ingesting the crystals are not affected by the vapor. Overall, there has never been a complaint, as evidenced by the 70,000+ that have participated in the study, which has been on going for the past 12 years, except for the discomfort associated with the detoxification process that usually occurs within the first week of ingestion.