Saturday, March 28, 2015

Cure my Cancer, Stop the Virus

99.9% Pure Organic Unprocessed Sulfur Crystals
From Marine Pine trees. “A living food”
Some of the testimonies I have received:
1.      Lose of weight, naturally.
2.      Softer Skin.
3.      Higher energy levels.
4.      Hot flashes gone.
5.      Hair growth and hair color returning.
6.      Stronger nails which grow much faster.
7.      Body is producing Insulin again.
8.      With the added Oxygen to the Cells AIDS and HepC have been put into hibernation.
9.      Some have reported that Cancer has stopped its Damage and reversed.
10.  Mental alertness.
11.  Victims of HepC have regenerated the Liver and stopped the Virus.
12.  The list goes on and on.

 With the introduction of chemical fertilizers in the 40’s the Sulfur cycle has all but been broken and destroyed. By doing so the Sulfur that is essential for Oxygen “H20” to get to the Cells has been mostly stopped and has caused havoc to our health.

Noble Price winner Dr. Otto Warburg discovered the Answer to stop / cure Cancer. However his work, even though well documented has been buried and not published in the medical journals.
Today’s medication is not calculated to cure, only to treat. With drug treatment comes side effects.
Cancer by nature is anaerobic, lack of Oxygen, where more cells keep dying and where Virus’s attach themselves too and begin their destruction leading to death.

Back in the early 40’s and 30’s there was very little cancer and viruses.

Today we have more cancer and viruses like never before in history, and the death rate keeps increasing year after year.

ANSWER: OXYGEN to the cells. Natural Sulfur is the element that carries the Oxygen to the Cells. By this Cancer cannot increase, Viruses have no home and the immune system becomes stronger. Oxygen comes from Water. The air we breathe only keeps the engine moving and does not bring Oxygen to the cells. Water and Sulfur is what regenerates the Cells.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Imagine a nutrient more important to health than magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, sodium, iodine and, for that matter, many vitamins. Assume that it has incredibly diverse roles, boosting resistance to disease, helping regulate blood sugar, preventing aches and pains, and even holding your skin and organs together.

A mineral or nutrient without which our bodies has difficulty making the sulfur based amino acids which are necessary for the regeneration of those cells which perform all of those incredibly diverse roles.

It's a nutrient so essential for life that you would die without it. But get this: it has been all but ignored by dietitians, physicians, and researchers.