The Prime Cause of Cancer
In order to understand the dramatic effect of increased oxygenation on cancer (and all anaerobic diseases) it is important to explain the conditions (and the only conditions) which allow cancer cells to not only survive but multiply and flourish. In order to do this an explanation of the metabolism of healthy and unhealthy cells must be explained- or in this case non-cancerous and cancerous cells.
A normal healthy cell burns oxygen and glucose (blood sugar) for energy and releases carbon dioxide and. This healthy cell is functioning aerobically- in the presence of sufficient oxygen. No anaerobic (cancer, Epstein Barr, herpes, mono, genital warts, etc.) can flourish, replicate or even survive in this oxygen rich environment.
An unhealthy or diseased cell is lacking sufficient oxygen but will still produce energy by burning mainly. This is very inefficient and a severe drain on the body. This energy burning process (sugar fermentation) releases mainly lactic acid and carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide. This cell is functioning anaerobically- with no oxygen present. Cancer, viral diseases, etc. flourish in this environment-little or no oxygen (and low PH).
Anaerobic cells must work harder than aerobic cells to produce energy from the glucose they metabolize.
Therefore, anaerobic cells burn much more glucose to produce the same amount of energy as aerobic. Cancer cells exhibit this anaerobic mode of metabolism- lack of oxygen, high glucose consumption, carbon monoxide and high lactic acid production. Cancer cells thrive in this high sugar-low oxygen environment but cannot exist in the opposite condition of high oxygen-low sugar mode of healthy cells.
Dr. Otto Warburg, whose name has been bandied about so often that his significance has been unjustifiably minimized, was a biochemist in cancer research. He won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for proving that a cancer cell cannot exist in an oxidizing, healthy cell. Dr. Waburgh was the director of the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology in Germany. In "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" 1967,
Dr. Warburg proposed that normalizing the metabolism of cancer cells was the key to effective treatment cancer and the means to accomplish this was to increase the oxygen content of the cells. Dr.Warburg stated that as the first priority of treatment, "-- all growing body cells be saturated with oxygen" and the second priority was to avoid further exposure to toxins.
Dr. Warburg's second priority to avoid further exposure to toxins is more difficult. We are exposed to toxins every day in the food we eat, water we drink and air we breathe. Every foreign invader that enters the body must be oxidized to pass through the body thus using valuable oxygen- oxygen needed for proper functioning. These unnatural substances include processed foods and preservatives (to extend life); food dyes; hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated foods; most vegetables oils (some rancid almost immediately); polluted water; chlorine, fluoride, lead, aluminum, etc. in water; polluted air (especially in the inner cities);smoking; excessive alcohol consumption; exercising to fatigue (moderate exercise is important); shallow breathing; pesticides; bleaching of napkins, toilet paper; etc. etc. etc.
Is it no wonder that most are oxygen depraved and diseases flourish.
It is therefore very important to supplement with oxygen daily. There are several oxygen supplements on market with more being introduced almost daily. This is the most important supplement you can take to avoid and reverse anaerobic diseases.
For information only, and should not be considered as medical advice. It is supplied so that you can make an informed decision.
Please consult with your health practitioner before considering any therapy or therapy protocol.
Herpes Cure Through Oxygenation
Herpes is a virus and viruses are anaerobic. They exist, survive and proliferate with little or no oxygen present. The herpes virus lacks the genetic material for reproduction and must inhabit a cell and rob the cell of its missing genetic material to multiply. They multiply by attaching themselves to DNA or RNA of normal cells forcing the cell to produce more of the virus. They remain latent until our defenses are down when they travel from cell to cell replicating wildly causing a herpes outbreak.
The herpes virus cannot exist in an elevated oxygen environment. Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for proving that viruses cannot proliferate, cannot exist in the presence of sufficient oxygen. This is a now an accepted fact. There has been many, many studies showing the destruction of viruses by the introduction of increased oxygenation whether it is in the form of ozone, hydrogen peroxide, hyperbaric oxygen, etc.
Cuba, Russia, West Germany and Italy have all successfully treated viral infections with increased oxygenation. At the Center of Medical and Surgical Research in Havana fifteen adults patients suffering from herpes zoster were treated with injections of ozone/oxygen for a period of fifteen days. All patients were completely symptom free after the treatment AND follow-up examinations a year later showed not one relapse.
Dr. R. Mattassi of the Division of Vascular Surgery at the Santa Corona Hospital in Milan, Italy treated 27 herpes patients with intravenous injections of oxygen and ozone. All patients healed completely after a minimum of one and a maximum of five injections. Five years later 24 of the 27 were still outbreak free. Re-infection was suspected in the other three.
Dr Parris Kidd has stated:
"Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system; i.e. resistance to disease, bacterial, and viruses."
Dr. Stephen Levine has also stated:
"We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease."
Thus the development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the loss of the immune system and the beginning of feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia, AIDS, candida, seizures, and nerve deterioration.
Dr Freibott explains why oxygen and oxidation is so vital:
"It is the lack of oxygen in proper amounts in the system that prevents oxidation and oxygenation, which energizes the cells to biological regeneration. These processes are the foundation of life and death. If the normal environment of the cell can be maintained, it will not lose its growth and reproduction potential. Sub-oxygen creates sub-oxidation."
An oxygen deficiency plays an important part in cellular contamination. Oxygen is a powerful detoxifier, and when its quantity is deficient, toxins begin to devastate body functions and deplete the body of life-giving energy. Without oxygen, there can be no nourishment. Without nourishment, no heat and no energy can be created, and the body cannot purify itself. The unhindered development of this metabolic process results in a circumstance that we call sound health.
Supply your body with Oxygen by introducing Sulfur back into your diet and eating proper foods. You have a choice and a responsibilty to take charge of your own health or you can continue on the same path and keep getting the same results.
Medication and drugs were never calculated to cure, only treat. Go after the cause and cure.
Medication, drugs, processed foods, smoking, excessive alcohol, chlorine, fluoride, etc. all deprive your body of the oxygen it needs to survive.
Ever wonder why over 200,000 people die each year from over medication or the wrong medication? Drug companies must sell drugs to keep the stock holders rich. Do they really care about your health?
Our bodies comprise 4% Sulfur but do not store or make Sulfur. We should be getting the Sulfur we need from the foods we eat, however, since 1954 the use of chemical fertilizers has apparently broken the Sulfur cycle.
Introduce Sulfur back into your diet and drink lots of pure water, which is oxygen, H20.
Sulfur is one main building block of life and the one element that carries oxygen to you cells.
For more information and to purchase the purest form of Organic Sulfur made in the USA from the Louisiana Marine Pine tree:
The information presented through this Web site is presented for educational purposes only. Because there is always some risk involved when changing diet and lifestyles, the author(s) and webmaster are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result. Please do not apply the techniques or the information on this web site if you are not willing to assume the risk. If you do use the information contained on this web site without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s) and webmaster assume no responsibility. The information presented through this Web site is not medical advice, and is not given as medical advice. Nor is it intended to propose or offer to propose a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult a physician.
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