Thursday, December 12, 2013

10 Reasons Conventional Medicine Can’t Heal Your Chronic Pain

1. American conventional medicine is focused on acute care, not chronic illness. Americans mistakenly believe that the United States has the best health care in the world. This may be true in cases of emergent traumatic injury. But the Journal of the American Medical Association ranked the United States second to last on a list of 13 countries when it was measured for 16 health care efficacy factors.
Despite the fact that we spend more money on health care than any other country on the planet, the World Health Organization ranked the US thirty-seventh on a list of health care system performance.
In an article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, physician error, medication error and adverse events from drugs or surgery kill 225,400 people per year. That means our health care system is the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer!

2. Doctors don’t receive the right kind of education. Education in medical schools and during residency focuses on intensive, in-hospital medicine. But 75% of patient problems relate to nutrition, lack of energy, weight control, sleep, chronic digestive concerns, depression, anxiety, and other common issues, which are not an important part of medical school curriculum.

3. Many doctors treat mainly symptoms. They stop at diagnosis rather than looking for root causes. They write you a prescription that suppresses the symptom, and go on to the next patient. This is like unplugging your smoke alarm in your house to stop that horrible noise! The drugs stop the alarm. They cover up the symptoms, while the fire continues to grow until serious damage occurs.

4. Insurance companies only reimburse doctors when they make a diagnosis. If the doctor can’t write down a code number for a diagnosis, there’s no reimbursement. This means that recommendations for lifestyle or nutritional changes, stress management or grief counseling, often don’t get reimbursed.

5. When a diagnosis is proclaimed, your doctor stops thinking. The diagnosis leads to a treatment plan and usually a prescription drug. End of story. Simply naming the disorder doesn’t explain how or why you developed the problem. And starting a treatment plan without understanding the how or why will only result in covering up the symptoms, not healing the underlying problems.
Instead, the diagnosis should be the start of the thought process. Why do you have that disorder? Is there an underlying cause that can be addressed? Most disorders have multiple underlying factors. It takes time, trial and error, and thinking to figure things out. Most doctors simply don’t have the time.

6. Doctors are overworked, distracted, and in a hurry. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the average interaction between doctor and patient lasts 23 seconds before an interruption! They often don’t ask about your medical history, or pay attention to all of your symptoms, because they may already have a preconceived treatment planned for you.

7. Conventional medicine often rejects research that doesn’t conform to the prevailing medical belief system. Many effective treatments are ignored by doctors too busy to investigate and taught a mindset that discounts new or unusual approaches.

8. Many doctors treat conditions that have no known cause with toxic medications that can be more damaging than the disorder they are treating. Example: commonly prescribed medications for arthritis have side effects that can include depression, impotence, fatigue, coughing, stomach ulcers, and internal bleeding. These medications don’t cure the arthritis, but instead they create all new problems for the patient.

9. Specialization leads to a narrowly focused, disjointed perspective, rather than viewing the patient as a total person. Remember the slogan “Parts is parts”? You go to your primary care doctor, who doesn’t know what’s wrong. So he sends you to a specialist. If the problem doesn’t seem to have a solution within his specialty he sends you back to your primary doctor, who refers you to a different specialist. Back and forth you go. No real answers, because nobody is looking at the whole person!

10. Patients feel loss of control, attacked by something that has possessed them, dependent on “experts” to tell them what to do. In reality, most diseases result from imbalances in many factors (disruption of your body’s ecology). And balancing those factors will require your full involvement, and your feedback about what is working or not. No one else can do this for you.

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