Fact: Bad bacteria cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment.
You can literally change your health with drinking enough clean water and supplementing with sulfur. Everything from the flora in your intestines to cell regeneration is affected by oxygen.
How much water? Take your weight. Divide by 2. Drink that number of ounces of water. So let’s say you are 180 pounds. Divide by 2 = 90. So 90 ounces of purified, chlorine-free water.
8 Facts about Sulfur you may not know:
1. Sulfur (chemical symbol S, atomic number 16) is one of the most important trace minerals on earth (around 5th most important) and is required for food production and a healthy body.
2. Sulfur is an essential element for all life.
3. Sulfur is required to regenerate our cells and if our body lacks Sulfur then our cells deteriorate and do not regenerate in a healthy manner, hence we become sick and illnesses such as cancer and heart problems occur.
4. Since 1954 chemical fertilizers were MANDATED by the US Government. Fertilizers containing ammonium nitrates and sulfates were used by farmers since being MANDATED, however, these fertilizers lack bioavailability and appear to have broken the Sulfur cycle in those countries that use these fertilizers.
5. Since 1954 the rate of disease in the US has increased by approximately 4,000% (percent) with a resultant decline in health, wealth, mental acuity and quality of life.
6. A study referred to as "The Sulfur Study" is expected to demonstrate a connection between the lack of Sulfur and the inability of cells to regenerate in a healthy manner. Final results are expected to be released very soon, but preliminary results highlight that all modern diseases can be attributed to mineral deficiencies.
7. Diseases that never seemed to exist in our Grandparents time now grow at an unprecedented rate and the quality of our food has been greatly diminished.
8. Our bodies comprise 4% Sulfur but do not store or make Sulfur. We should be getting the Sulfur we need from the foods we eat, however, since 1954 the use of chemical fertilizers has apparently broken the Sulfur cycle.
For more information and to purchase the purest form of Organic Sulfur made in the USA from the Louisiana Marine Pine tree:
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