Sunday, December 28, 2014

HELP!! I am looking old

So you want to look younger, have more energy, feel like you just gained 10 years back?? Well I have GREAT News for you,, You can have softer skin, look better, have stronger nails, more energy, stronger hair and have your hair grow much faster. You say how is this possible?

OXYGEN to your cells.

Organic Sulfur and a good diet will do just that and much more. It does not happen over night and is a biological process but I have personally witnessed it and heard many testimonies. For myself I have NOT taken any drugs nor been sick in over 7 years. A good diet, Organic Sulfur, exercise, sunlight, and lots of good pure water is my medicine for a healthy life.
The FDA has not evaluated this information and it is just a personal statement. Results can vary and it is recommended you consult your doctor before doing any personal treatment.

The information presented through this Web site is presented for educational purposes only. Because there is always some risk involved when changing diet and lifestyles, the author(s) and webmaster are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result. Please do not apply the techniques or the information on this web site if you are not willing to assume the risk. If you do use the information contained on this web site without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s) and webmaster assume no responsibility. The information presented through this Web site is not medical advice, and is not given as medical advice. Nor is it intended to propose or offer to propose a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult a physician.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Hepatitis C Harm Reduction Project

Harm reduction is what our study is all about. And this is a request to help
find Study members with HIV, Hep C, or another viral infections. "Paradigm
shift" is forgetting that Hep C and HIV are viruses, biological entities which if
they had knowledge it would be humor at the efforts of the drug companies to
kill that which is not "alive."

Viruses whether HIV or Hep C do not seek out cells with adequate intracellular
oxygen. We are studying Organic Sulfur which enables oxygen to be transported
across the cell membrane and in doing so allowing that same membrane to
become pliable and resilient so that the viral entities can not tear into these cells.
Punching your way out of a paper bag is a similar analogy.
We have been hard pressed to enlist HIV or Hep C members but those who
have joined the study have experienced reduced viral loads. Our one success
case study died from an overdose of drugs, his liver had completely regenerated
in 15 months.
What we are suggesting is simple cellular biology, no promises or hype from
the pharmaceutical industry which has no real desire to "cure" Hep C or HIV but
only to profit from the treatment. We believe, fools that we must be, that a virus
is a virus no matter what name we give them and it must behave the way that all
viruses have since we learned of their existence.
Do a little search on viruses and oxygen, do a little search on how viruses replicate.
They do so by tearing into a leathery, stiff cell membrane which is due to anaerobic
cellular metabolism not unlike cancer and they use the DNA in that cell to replicate
more viruses to continue what should have been just a standard garbage pickup of
weak and diseased cells.
The crystals of Organic Sulfur are taken by the tablespoon for Hep C twice a day
12 to 15 grams twice a day, more has not demonstrated any adverse effects. For
HIV we believe 50 grams or 4 1/2 tablespoons of sulfur are necessary being that
the HIV virus is fond of sulfur based amino acids. Organic Sulfur has an bitter
taste initially but as one of our 92 year old Study members states, "Get over it."
Yearly cost for 200 lb Hep C study member is $200.00
Yearly cost for 150 lb HIV Study member would be $850.00 for the first 18 months
and if the viral load has decreased a similar amount that Hep C members could
suffice, that is theory for HIV but we believe that would be the case based on what
we know about intracellular oxygen and the response to most viruses.
We believe that most all US citizens are sulfur deficient thanks to the use of
chemical fertilizers and the over processing of our foods. HIV has been around
since 1860 but not until we had used chemical fertilizers did it first appear in the
West Nile Region of Africa along with Ebola and West Nile Virus.
The rise in Hep C especially among Vets did so after the use of these same
chemical fertilizers was mandated in 1954.
As Director of the Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study we believe that both HIV
and HEP C viruses can be addressed with oral ingestion of Organic Sulfur. Viruses
avoid cells with intracellular oxygen and that is a fact of biology.
is our preliminary Study report to give you a better idea of what we are about. No harm
to any of the current 1400 + Study members from late teens to 90+ and all to person has
benefitted in some manner from the sulfur.
No one has ever demonstrated the ability to kill a virus not even with an atomic bomb
in 1960 so when the drug companies think that they can do so with antiviral drugs possibly
they should remember that viruses are not alive, have no DNA. If forcing these "garbage
men" into dormancy is the best we can do, then I say lets do it, and the availability of
intracellular oxygen may be the answer.
Our Study is funded by the Sulfur we supply so if someone is interested it is on their
nickel, when supplied for "free" it is not taken or considered of value, we have been
doing this study since 1999 when my son was diagnosed with cancer and given a
death sentence for 2003, he is very much alive in 2007 and we believe that sulfur is
the reason.
No harm! No reason to stop any other therapy. Sulfur is the forth most abundant
of the trace minerals and we do not get any in our foods. As our report states all
disease rates in the US are now 4000% higher than they were in 1950 and that in-
cludes HIV and Hep C. Could it be the cell membrane? Could it be the lack of
intracellular oxygen? There is no harm to find out and if we are correct those Vets
with viral counts in the 30 millions could be down to under 5 million is less than
18 months.
You can continue to by hyped by the drug companies or look at an alternative
which just may be a solution, not a cure because no one has ever killed a virus
but if ones liver is allowed to regenerate and all of the viral attacks of HIV could
to halted then life could continue without the fear. And fear is the ally of the
drug companies we ally ourselves with simple cellular biology and healthy cellular
Patrick McGean
Study Director
The Live Blood and Cellular Matrix Study

Purchase Pure Crystal Organic Live Sulfur Here


The information presented through this Web site is presented for educational purposes only. Because there is always some risk involved when changing diet and lifestyles, the author(s) and webmaster are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result. Please do not apply the techniques or the information on this web site if you are not willing to assume the risk. If you do use the information contained on this web site without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s) and webmaster assume no responsibility. The information presented through this Web site is not medical advice, and is not given as medical advice. Nor is it intended to propose or offer to propose a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult a physician.
This site contains links to other Internet sites. These links are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by this site. Links are provided as Internet navigation tools only.
The people responsible for this web site are not medical professionals. We publish the information on this web site as a public service. While we hope the information presented here is helpful, what you do with it is your responsibility.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Sulfur Deficiency
Written by Stephanie Seneff, PhD
Saturday, 02 July 2011 20:37

A Possible Contributing Factor in Obesity, Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s and Chronic Fatigue
Obesity is quickly becoming the number one health issue confronting America today, and has also risen to epidemic proportions worldwide. Its spread is associated with the adoption of a Western-style diet. However, I believe that the widespread consumption of food imports produced by U.S. companies plays a crucial role in the rise in obesity worldwide. Specifically, these “fast foods” typically include heavily processed derivatives of corn, soybeans and grains, grown on highly efficient mega-farms. Furthermore, I will argue in this essay that one of the core underlying causes of obesity may be sulfur deficiency. Sulfur is the eighth most common element by mass in the human body, behind oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. The two sulfur-containing amino acids, methionine and cysteine, play essential physiological roles throughout the body. However, sulfur has been consistently overlooked by those addressing the issues of nutritional deficiencies. In fact, the National Academy of Sciences has not even assigned a minimum daily requirement (MDR) for sulfur. One consequence of sulfur’s limbo nutritional status is that it is omitted from the long list of supplements that are commonly artificially added to popular foods like cereal.

Sulfur is found in a large number of foods, and, as a consequence, it is assumed that almost any diet would meet the minimum daily requirements. Excellent sources are eggs, onions, garlic, and leafy dark green vegetables like kale and broccoli. Meats, nuts, and seafood also contain sulfur. Methionine, an essential amino acid, is found mainly in egg whites and fish. A diet high in grains like bread and cereal is likely to be deficient in sulfur. Increasingly, whole foods such as corn and soybeans are disassembled into component parts with chemical names, and then reassembled into heavily processed foods. Sulfur is lost along the way, and so is the awareness that this loss matters.
Experts have recently become aware that sulfur depletion in the soil creates a serious deficiency for plants,17 brought about in part by improved efficiency in the U.S. agricultural industry, which has steadily consolidated into highly technologized mega-farms.
It is estimated that humans obtain about ten percent of their sulfur supply from drinking water. Remarkably, people who drink soft water have an increased risk of heart disease compared to people who drink hard water.2 Many possible reasons have been suggested for why this might be true, and just about every trace metal has been considered as a possibility.3 However, I believe that the real reason may simply be that hard water is more likely to contain sulfur.

The ultimate source of sulfur is volcanic rock, mainly basalt, spewed up from the earth’s core during volcanic eruptions. It is generally believed that humans first evolved in the African rift zone, a region that would have enjoyed an abundance of sulfur due to the heavy volcanic activity there.
The three principal suppliers of sulfur to the Western nations are Greece, Italy and Japan. These three countries also enjoy low rates of heart disease and obesity and increased longevity. In the United States, Oregon and Hawaii, two states with significant volcanic activity, have among the lowest obesity rates in the country. By contrast, the highest obesity rates are found in the midwest and in southern farm country: the epicenter of the modern agricultural practices (mega-farms) that lead to sulfur depletion in the soil. Among all fifty states, Oregon has the lowest childhood obesity rates.
Hawaii’s youth are faring less well than their parents, however: while Hawaii ranks as the fifth from the bottom in obesity rates, its children aged ten through seventeen weigh in at number thirteen. As Hawaiians have recently become increasingly dependent on food imports from the mainland, they have suffered accordingly with increased obesity problems.
In her recently published book, The Jungle Effect,25 Dr. Daphne Miller devotes a full chapter to Iceland in which she struggles to answer the question of why Icelanders enjoy such remarkably low rates of depression, despite living at a northern latitude, where one would expect a high incidence of Seasonal Affective Disorder. She points out, furthermore, their excellent health record in other key areas: “When compared to North Americans, they have almost half the death rate from heart disease and diabetes, significantly less obesity, and a greater life expectancy. In fact, the average life span for Icelanders is amongst the longest in the world.” While she proposes that their high fish consumption, with associated high intake of omega-3 fats, may plausibly be the main beneficial factor, she puzzles over the fact that former Icelanders who move to Canada and also eat lots of fish do not also enjoy the same decreased rate of depression and heart disease.
In my view, the key to Icelanders’ good health lies in the string of volcanoes that make up the backbone of the island, which sits atop the mid-Atlantic ridge crest. Dr. Miller pointed out that the mass exodus to Canada was due to extensive volcanic eruptions in the late 1800s, which blanketed the highly cultivated southeast region of the country. This means, of course, that the soils today are highly enriched in sulfur. The cabbage, beets and potatoes that are staples of the Icelandic diet are likely providing far more sulfur to Icelanders than their counterparts in the American diet provide.


Where to purchase pure Organic Sulfur:

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Add Magnesium to your diet


Many factors affect magnesium availability from foods. One is the amount of magnesium in the soil in which the food is grown. Much magnesium can be lost in the processing and refining of foods and in the making of oils from the magnesium rich nuts and seeds. Nearly 85% of magnesium is lost during the milling of flours. Soaking and boiling foods can leach magnesium into the water, so the "pot liquor" from cooking vegetables may be high in magnesium and other minerals. Oxalic acid in such vegetables as spinach and chard and phytic acid in some grains may form insoluble salts with magnesium, causing it to be eliminated rather than absorbed. For these reasons many people get insufficient magnesium from their diets. In fact, according to the USDA, almost one third of the U.S. population gets under 65% of the RDA for this mineral.
- Elison M. Haas, MD  - Staying Healthy with Nutrition

Magnesium is listed(1) as an essential element in the nutritional treatment of ADD/ADHD, Bruxism, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, High Blood Pressure, Muscle Cramps, Narcolepsy, Osteoporosis, Paget's Disease, Parkinson's, Polyps, and TMJ. Very Important for Aging, Alcoholism, Allergies, Anorexia, Anxiety Disorder, Arteriosclerosis/Atherosclerosis, Arthritis, Asthma, Autism, Backache, Bursitis, Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Fracture, Heart Attack, Bone Spur, Hemorrhoids, Hysterectomy Issues, Lupus, Migraine, Pancreatitis, Periodontal Disease, PMS, Radiation Exposure, Raynaud's Disease, and Stress. Important in Alzheimer's Disease, Bladder Infection, Bulimia, Candidiasis, Circulatory Problems, Cirrhosis of the Liver, Cold Sores, Drug Addiction, Edema, Growth Problems, Hearing Loss, Hepatitis, Herpes, Hypoglycemia, Incontinence, Insomnia, Malabsorption, Menopausal Problems, Motion Sickness, Multiple Sclerosis, Shingles, Thrombophlebitis,  Tooth Decay, Wilson's Disease &  Helpful for Adrenal Disorders, Age Spots, Bedsores, Bronchitis, Bruising, Burns, Constipation, Crohn's Disease, Depression, Diarrhea, Emphysema, Endometriosis, Gangrene, Rubella, Glaucoma, Gout, Hay Fever, Headache, Heartburn/GERD, Hemophilia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Kidney Disease, Lactose Intolerance, Bipolar Disorder, Measles, Mononucleosis, Nail Problems, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Rheumatic Fever, Schizophrenia, Sunburn, Ulcerative Colitis, Vaginitis, Varicose Veins, Vertigo, and Wrinkles.