Friday, December 27, 2013

Cancer Killed by Oxygen


The Prime Cause of Cancer

In order to understand the dramatic effect of increased oxygenation on cancer (and all anaerobic diseases) it is important to explain the conditions (and the only conditions) which allow cancer cells to not only survive but multiply and flourish. In order to do this an explanation of the metabolism of healthy and unhealthy cells must be explained- or in this case non-cancerous and cancerous cells.

A normal healthy cell burns oxygen and glucose (blood sugar) for energy and releases carbon dioxide and. This healthy cell is functioning aerobically- in the presence of sufficient oxygen. No anaerobic (cancer, Epstein Barr, herpes, mono, genital warts, etc.) can flourish, replicate or even survive in this oxygen rich environment.

An unhealthy or diseased cell is lacking sufficient oxygen but will still produce energy by burning mainly. This is very inefficient and a severe drain on the body. This energy burning process (sugar fermentation) releases mainly lactic acid and carbon monoxide instead of carbon dioxide. This cell is functioning anaerobically- with no oxygen present. Cancer, viral diseases, etc. flourish in this environment-little or no oxygen (and low PH).
Anaerobic cells must work harder than aerobic cells to produce energy from the glucose they metabolize.

Therefore, anaerobic cells burn much more glucose to produce the same amount of energy as aerobic. Cancer cells exhibit this anaerobic mode of metabolism- lack of oxygen, high glucose consumption, carbon monoxide and high lactic acid production. Cancer cells thrive in this high sugar-low oxygen environment but cannot exist in the opposite condition of high oxygen-low sugar mode of healthy cells.

Dr. Otto Warburg, whose name has been bandied about so often that his significance has been unjustifiably minimized, was a biochemist in cancer research. He won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for proving that a cancer cell cannot exist in an oxidizing, healthy cell. Dr. Waburgh was the director of the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology in Germany. In "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" 1967,

Dr. Warburg proposed that normalizing the metabolism of cancer cells was the key to effective treatment cancer and the means to accomplish this was to increase the oxygen content of the cells. Dr.Warburg stated that as the first priority of treatment, "-- all growing body cells be saturated with oxygen" and the second priority was to avoid further exposure to toxins.
Dr. Warburg's second priority to avoid further exposure to toxins is more difficult. We are exposed to toxins every day in the food we eat, water we drink and air we breathe. Every foreign invader that enters the body must be oxidized to pass through the body thus using valuable oxygen- oxygen needed for proper functioning. These unnatural substances include processed foods and preservatives (to extend life); food dyes; hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated foods; most vegetables oils (some rancid almost immediately); polluted water; chlorine, fluoride, lead, aluminum, etc. in water; polluted air (especially in the inner cities);smoking; excessive alcohol consumption; exercising to fatigue (moderate exercise is important); shallow breathing; pesticides; bleaching of napkins, toilet paper; etc. etc. etc.
Is it no wonder that most are oxygen depraved and diseases flourish.

It is therefore very important to supplement with oxygen daily. There are several oxygen supplements on market with more being introduced almost daily. This is the most important supplement you can take to avoid and reverse anaerobic diseases.

For information only, and should not be considered as medical advice. It is supplied so that you can make an informed decision.

Please consult with your health practitioner before considering any therapy or therapy protocol.


Herpes Cure Through Oxygenation

Herpes is a virus and viruses are anaerobic. They exist, survive and proliferate with little or no oxygen present. The herpes virus lacks the genetic material for reproduction and must inhabit a cell and rob the cell of its missing genetic material to multiply. They multiply by attaching themselves to DNA or RNA of normal cells forcing the cell to produce more of the virus. They remain latent until our defenses are down when they travel from cell to cell replicating wildly causing a herpes outbreak.

The herpes virus cannot exist in an elevated oxygen environment. Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for proving that viruses cannot proliferate, cannot exist in the presence of sufficient oxygen. This is a now an accepted fact. There has been many, many studies showing the destruction of viruses by the introduction of increased oxygenation whether it is in the form of ozone, hydrogen peroxide, hyperbaric oxygen, etc.

Cuba, Russia, West Germany and Italy have all successfully treated viral infections with increased oxygenation. At the Center of Medical and Surgical Research in Havana fifteen adults patients suffering from herpes zoster were treated with injections of ozone/oxygen for a period of fifteen days. All patients were completely symptom free after the treatment AND follow-up examinations a year later showed not one relapse.

Dr. R. Mattassi of the Division of Vascular Surgery at the Santa Corona Hospital in Milan, Italy treated 27 herpes patients with intravenous injections of oxygen and ozone. All patients healed completely after a minimum of one and a maximum of five injections. Five years later 24 of the 27 were still outbreak free. Re-infection was suspected in the other three.

Dr Parris Kidd has stated:
"Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system; i.e. resistance to disease, bacterial, and viruses."

Dr. Stephen Levine has also stated:
"We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease."
Thus the development of a shortage of oxygen in the blood could very well be the starting point for the loss of the immune system and the beginning of feared health problems such as cancer, leukemia, AIDS, candida, seizures, and nerve deterioration.

Dr Freibott explains why oxygen and oxidation is so vital:
"It is the lack of oxygen in proper amounts in the system that prevents oxidation and oxygenation, which energizes the cells to biological regeneration. These processes are the foundation of life and death. If the normal environment of the cell can be maintained, it will not lose its growth and reproduction potential. Sub-oxygen creates sub-oxidation."
An oxygen deficiency plays an important part in cellular contamination. Oxygen is a powerful detoxifier, and when its quantity is deficient, toxins begin to devastate body functions and deplete the body of life-giving energy. Without oxygen, there can be no nourishment. Without nourishment, no heat and no energy can be created, and the body cannot purify itself. The unhindered development of this metabolic process results in a circumstance that we call sound health.
Supply your body with Oxygen by introducing Sulfur back into your diet and eating proper foods. You have a choice and a responsibilty to take charge of your own health or you can continue on the same path and keep getting the same results.

Medication and drugs were never calculated to cure, only treat. Go after the cause and cure.
Medication, drugs, processed foods, smoking, excessive alcohol, chlorine, fluoride, etc. all deprive your body of the oxygen it needs to survive.

Ever wonder why over 200,000 people die each year from over medication or the wrong medication? Drug companies must sell drugs to keep the stock holders rich. Do they really care about your health?

Our bodies comprise 4% Sulfur but do not store or make Sulfur. We should be getting the Sulfur we need from the foods we eat, however, since 1954 the use of chemical fertilizers has apparently broken the Sulfur cycle.

Introduce Sulfur back into your diet and drink lots of pure water, which is oxygen, H20.
Sulfur is one main building block of life and the one element that carries oxygen to you cells.
For more information and to purchase the purest form of Organic Sulfur made in the USA from the Louisiana Marine Pine tree:

The information presented through this Web site is presented for educational purposes only. Because there is always some risk involved when changing diet and lifestyles, the author(s) and webmaster are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result. Please do not apply the techniques or the information on this web site if you are not willing to assume the risk. If you do use the information contained on this web site without the approval of a health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author(s) and webmaster assume no responsibility. The information presented through this Web site is not medical advice, and is not given as medical advice. Nor is it intended to propose or offer to propose a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult a physician.
This site contains links to other Internet sites. These links are not endorsements of any products or services in such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by this site. Links are provided as Internet navigation tools only.
The people responsible for this web site are not medical professionals. We publish the information on this web site as a public service. While we hope the information presented here is helpful, what you do with it is your responsibility.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Sulfur is one of the few elements that transports oxygen right into your cells.

Fact: Bad bacteria cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment.

You can literally change your health with drinking enough clean water and supplementing with sulfur. Everything from the flora in your intestines to cell regeneration is affected by oxygen.
How much water? Take your weight. Divide by 2. Drink that number of ounces of water. So let’s say you are 180 pounds. Divide by 2 = 90. So 90 ounces of purified, chlorine-free water.
8 Facts about Sulfur you may not know:

1. Sulfur (chemical symbol S, atomic number 16) is one of the most important trace minerals on earth (around 5th most important) and is required for food production and a healthy body.

2. Sulfur is an essential element for all life.

3. Sulfur is required to regenerate our cells and if our body lacks Sulfur then our cells deteriorate and do not regenerate in a healthy manner, hence we become sick and illnesses such as cancer and heart problems occur.

4. Since 1954 chemical fertilizers were MANDATED by the US Government. Fertilizers containing ammonium nitrates and sulfates were used by farmers since being MANDATED, however, these fertilizers lack bioavailability and appear to have broken the Sulfur cycle in those countries that use these fertilizers.

5. Since 1954 the rate of disease in the US has increased by approximately 4,000% (percent) with a resultant decline in health, wealth, mental acuity and quality of life.

6.  A study referred to as "The Sulfur Study" is expected to demonstrate a connection between the lack of Sulfur and the inability of cells to regenerate in a healthy manner. Final results are expected to be released very soon, but preliminary results highlight that all modern diseases can be attributed to mineral deficiencies.

7. Diseases that never seemed to exist in our Grandparents time now grow at an unprecedented rate and the quality of our food has been greatly diminished.

8.  Our bodies comprise 4% Sulfur but do not store or make Sulfur. We should be getting the Sulfur we need from the foods we eat, however, since 1954 the use of chemical fertilizers has apparently broken the Sulfur cycle.

For more information and to purchase the purest form of Organic Sulfur made in the USA from the Louisiana Marine Pine tree: 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Are you cells getting enough Oxygen?

The Oxygen View of Pain
Majid Ali, M.D.

Oxygen is the organizing influence of human biology and governs the aging process. In 2000, I began Oxygen and Aging1 with those words. Oxygen is a master work of nature — an enduring tribute to Nature's preoccupation with complementarity and contrariety. It is an elixir of life and a hemlock for death — the ultimate molecular Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Sometimes by its presence and sometimes by its absence, oxygen initiates signaling for cellular life as well as demise. In that context, it is important to recognize that oxygen drives chronic pain pathways primarily by its absence.

A large number of pain neurotransmitters are involved in clinical pain syndromes, including: substance P; enkephalins; neurokinin 1, 2, and 3; serotonin; adenosine triphosphate (ATP); nitric oxide; calcitonin; vasoactive intestinal peptides; epinephrine, norepinephrine, and related sympathomimetic agents; glutamic acid, aspartic acid, and related excitatory transmitters; and GABA, glycine, and related inhibitory transmitters.2-4 Some excitatory transmitters concerned with chronic pain include glutamic acid and aspartic acid, which are involved with dorsal horn sensitization through activation of NMDA receptors, while inhibitory transmitters participate in mechanisms that prevent or diminish pain. It seems safe to predict that future work will establish that, directly and indirectly, all those molecular species are triggered or influenced by oxygen deficit.

Oxygen and Pain Neurotransmitters

Neurotransmitters transmit information across synapses — regions separating neurons from adjoining neurons, as well as neurons from the muscle cells. These substances are stored in the bulbous ends of axons, and are released by electrical impulses traveling along the nerves to those ends. Upon their release, neurotransmitter either facilitate or inhibit continued electrical impulses along the nerve fibers on the other side of the synapse. Over 300 molecular species have been recognized to be involved in neurotransmission.5 Some of the best known of those over 300 neurotransmitters have been listed in a preceding section. It is regrettable that all neurologists and others in the headache industry I know limit their work only to serotonin and a few related neurotransmitters.

Next to oxygen and serotonin, substance P (SP) is the best examined of all the pain neurotransmitters, and its relationship with oxygen deficit has been most clearly delineated.6-11It is an 11-residue peptide belonging to the tachykinin sub-family of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR). Those receptors form a class of integral membrane proteins. Serotonin in the mammalian brain and receptors of the olfactory epithelium that binds odorants are two other members of this family are receptors.

Oxygen deficit triggers the release of substance P. There are several lines of direct and indirect evidence for it.12,13 Direct evidence for that comes from experiments in which decreasing concentrations of oxygen were associated with the release of increasing amounts of SP.12 Specifically, the carotid bodies contain SP — in concentrations ranging from 1.4 to 1.6 ng/mg protein — that is released in response to tissue hypoxia. The amount of SP released from the carotid bodies increases in proportion to the severity of hypoxia. It is noteworthy that the release of SP by hypoxia is a calcium-dependent process, and is primarily mediated by N- and L-type Ca2+ channels.13

Other lines of evidence for the fundamental role of oxygen deficit in the causation of pain include the following: (1) skin lactate levels are increased in complex regional pain14; (2) SP increases protein extravasation in regional chronic pain states15; (3) intradermal injection of epinephrine causes local pain (due to vasoconstriction and consequent oxygen deficit)16; (4) a tissue hypoxia occurs in complex regional pain syndrome17; (5) ascorbic acid reduces pain in reflex sympathetic dystrophy18; and (6) certain other free radial scavengers also reduce pain in complex regional pain states19 — the mechanism of action of antioxidants being restoration of local oxygen homeostasis.

Substance P exerts varied effects on different tissues.20-24 It is excitatory to the carotid body. Release of larger amounts of SP in the lungs is associated with pulmonary hypertension, an effect that is attenuated by antioxidants. In the nasal mucosa, hyperbaric oxygen decreases immunoreactivity to substance P.25 Not unexpectedly in light of the oxygen/SP dynamics, oxyradicals under certain conditions also trigger the release of substance P. By contrast, antioxidants, such as ascorbic acid, inhibit the release of SP.18 However, the relationships between antioxidants and SP are complex. For instance, ca
icin increases regional perfusion — and oxygen delivery, inhibiting the release of SP — but is also known to increase SP release in the lung. Oxidants also have complex relationships with SP. For example, nitric oxide serving as an oxidant modulates histamine release from tissue mast cell and circulating basophils, and so contributes to pain caused by histamine.26-27 On the other hand, nitric oxide, through its vasodilator role, improves oxygen transport, decreases the release of SP, and mitigates some pain syndromes. (See Nature's Preoccupation With Complementarity and Contrariety, the first volume of The Principles and Practice of Medicine,28 for an in-depth treatment of the subject).

Substance P also has complex relationships with certain other physiologic compounds, including enzymes and hormones.29,30 For instance, increased amounts of erythrocyte 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (2,3 DPG) caused by chronic hypoxia is associated with increased release of SP. Since chronic hypoxia increases the concentration of 2,3-DPG, this provides yet another mechanims by which oxygen deficit causes pain. Fascinating! How oxygen, by its absence, both triggers a mechanism for correcting that problem (by increasing 2,3-DGP production) and sends out messages to other cellular systems for participation in that effort (by inducing the production of SP). An example of the involvement of enzyme system with SP is that acute depressor actions of angiotensin II in the nucleus of the solitary tract are mediated by SP. An insight into the possible interactions between SP and hormones is provided by the complementary roles of SP and calcitonin gene-related peptide in the causation of phantom and ischemic pains.

An interesting aspect of the oxygen/substance P dynamics is revealed by the case of the East African naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber). This rat species lacks substance P and does not appear to suffer pain when tormented.31 The rats feel no immediate pain when cut, scraped or subjected to heat stimuli. They only feel some aches. But when the rats get a shot of SP, pain signaling resumes working as in other mammals. One can only wonder about what other defense mechanisms exist in this rat species that compensate for substance P.

On the Nature of Pain
Pain is a sensory perception intricately linked to the emotional state of the person. Pain is not a disease, nor a discrete bodily state. That explains why pain in different cultures means different things to different people. This is a crucially important aspect of pain when considering the biochemistry of pain neurotransmitters presented above. I had certain ideas of pain during three decades of my work as a surgeon and a pathologist. In those years, I suffered migraine attacks. Since vomiting accompanying migraine did not allow me to keep any painkillers down, I gave myself Demerol injection for relief. My work in integrative medicine changed all that. Then I taught myself control of migraine by assuring optimal hydration, preventing rapid hypoglycemic/hyperglycemic roller coasters and consequent rapid insulin shifts, addressing issues of mold and food allergy, and controlling vasospasm with self-regulatory methods — all measures that restore oxygen homeostasis, locally or systemically. I have not had to take Demerol during the last eight years. I have a prolapsed lumbar disc which sometimes caused disabling backache. During those years, I also taught myself control of that pain with
Limbic Breathing32 — an energetic method of breathing with extended periods of exhalation (see Healing Miracles and the Bite of the Gray Dog33 for details of other effective self-regulatory methods). For years, I have controlled my back pain with limbic breathing, without any painkillers, manipulations, laser or other therapies.

I might point out here that direct oxygen therapies — oxygen by mask and hyperbaric oxygen — have been successfully used in controlling headaches and migraine attacks.34-37 Specifically, in one double-blind trial breathing 100% oxygen for 15 minutes or less during headache episodes controlled or significantly reduced the pain of acute cluster attacks in all subjects.34 Not surprisingly, one fourth of the study participants experienced cluster attacks soon after the treatment was stopped35 — since various elements putting in jeopardy oxygen homeostasis were not addressed. Administration of higher concentrations of oxygen during the postoperative period relieves or reduces the intensity of postoperative pain. It appears to both reduce the release of substance P and influence pain inhibitory pathways in the peripheral nerves. Correlation between urinary substance P and bladder pain has been documented.

Seeing Pain, Thinking Oxygen

In my clinical work when I see pain, I think oxygen. I think about how dehydration in one person worsens functional oxygen deficits, and how incremental oxidative stress threatens oxygen homeostasis — locally and/or systemically — in another. I think about how hyperglycemic- hypoglycemic shifts trigger rapid insulin responses increases the intensity of pain in yet others. I think about how undetected and unmanaged allergic triggers acting in the
bowel and elsewhere cumulatively cause oxidosis, acidosis, dehydration, add to oxidosis, acidosis — and then all collectively threaten functionality of oxygen, increasing the degree of pain regardless what the initial pain triggers might be. Then I wonder how often do neurologists and anesthesiologists at pain centers think about the effects of total body burden of toxic metals and xenobiotics on pain neurochemistry — by feeding the frenzy of the three furies of pain — oxidosis, acidosis, and dysoxygenosis.

Following are some commonly observed clinical manifestations of biochemical interactions among the pain sensors and modifiers listed above:

1. Coronary chest pain is relieved or mitigated by the administration of oxygen, as are attacks of headache and migraine34-37;
2. Direct oxystatic measures — treatments that restore oxygen homeostasis, including ozone, hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen, and related treatments — prevent, diminish or relieve diffuse tissue pain in
3. Indirect oxystatic measures — treatments such as prolotherapy with injection of 50% glucose or other suitable agents that stimulate fibroproliferative responses — relieve trigger point pain by evoking local oxystatic inflammatory tissue response40;
5. Chronic back pain in many cases can be relieved by effective self-regulatory methods, especially with specific breathing methods (see limbic breathing in The Cortical Monkey and Healing32;
6. Pain syndromes accompanying reflex sympathetic dystrophy can be relieved with direct oxystatic therapies combined with indirect oxystatic measures, including restoration of bowel ecology and hepatic detoxification (personal unpublished observations); and
7. Cooling of forehead diminishes sympathetic tone, increases regional blood supply (correcting oxygen deficit), and relieves certain types of pain associated with dysautonomia.41

On deeper reflection, the pain-relieving roles of oxygen and oxyradicals can be recognized in most, if not all, empirically proven pain control therapies. Indeed, in my own clinical work I find that every chronic pain can be partially or completely controlled by effective direct and indirect oxystatic therapies. That, in essence, is the "oxygen view of pain" presented in this article.

Author's Priorities for Headache and Migraine: A Clinical Application of the Oxygen View of Pain

Headache and migraine patients must take the time to understand the true nature of their suffering, and not waste time on worrying what type of headache and migraine they may or may not have. They must understand that drug therapies cannot be accepted as the full treatment of their suffering. They must know that their suffering can be prevented by non-drug therapies, except in rare instances of pain associated with depression, anxiety, or drug dependence. It is mandatory to have tests done for antibodies for molds and this issue addressed. Mold sensitivity was present in nearly all of my patients with headache attacks. The same holds for uncovering and effectively managing food sensitivities. Even ordinary fluctuations in blood
sugar levels can trigger headache attacks. So headache and migraine patients must not miss breakfast. Similarly, dehydration increases vulnerability to headache, and optimal hydration must be assured for optimal control of headache. In many instances, myofascial trigger points in the neck, shoulders, and scalp trigger headache attacks. Such trigger points require resolution by appropriate therapies. The author's choice is prolotherapy with 50% glucose.40 Headache and migraine patients must become sensitive to problems caused by excess acidity.

Cellular oxidosis, acidosis, and dysoxygenosis resulting from nutrient deficits can trigger, perpetuate, or intensify headache. So, I consider nutritional therapies — magnesium, calcium, and potassium stand out in this context — as well as selected phytotherapies as important components of the program. And most importantly, headache and migraine attacks are commonly triggered by stress and perpetuated by chronic anger. Thus, such patients must learn effective self-regulatory methods for prevention and treatment of headache. (See Healing Miracles and the Bite of the Gray Dog.23) Most importantly, persons with headache and migraine must learn to think oxygen when they experience pain. They need to recognize that self- regulatory, nutritional, and environmental measures enlighten and empower them, while drug therapies for headache disempower the sufferers and keep them in the dark.

In closing, the crucial clinical importance of the "oxygen view of pain" presented above is this: It mandates that all relevant oxygen issues be diligently addressed in the clinical management of every patient with a chronic pain syndrome. How often do clinicians recognize the essential commonality of biochemical lesions — oxidosis, acidosis, and dysoxygenosis — that cause migraine and heart attack? How often do they see that commonality between the pain episodes of severe dysmenorrhea and myofascial trigger points? And that between arthritis and sympathetic reflex dystrophy? And that between pain of prolapsed vertebral discs and fibromyalgia? And that between pain of TMJ and renal colic? The oxygen view of pain provides a clear link. What might be required for managing ischemic coronary syndromes with the oxygen view of pain? The same approach as for controlling migraine attacks given above. Why? Because the oxygen issues that cause oxidative coagulopathy and so set the stage for coronary artery blockages are exactly the same as those that trigger migraine attacks.
, I might add here, is an antioxidant and protects the coronary arteries until it gets oxidized, becomes rancid, contributes to oxidative coagulopathy, and sets the stage for atherosclerosis.

1. Ali M. Oxygen and Aging. (Ist ed.) 2000. New York, Canary 21 Press. Aging Healthfully Book 2000.
2. Darnell J, Lodish H, Baltimore D. Molecular Cell Biology. 1990. New York. Scientific American Books. Distribted by WH Freeman and Company. pp 784-802.
3. Katz B. Nerve, Muscle, and Synapse. 2nd. ed. 1966. New York. McGraw-Hill.
4. Salerno, Evelyn, and Joyce S. Willens, eds. Pain Management Handbook: An Interdisciplinary Approach. St. Louis: Mosby, 1996.
5. Verbunt J, Seelen H, Vlaeyen J, et al. Disuse and deconditioning in chronic low back pain: concepts and hypotheses on contributing mechanisms. Eur J Pain 2003;7:9-21.
6. Krause JE, Takeda Y, Hershey AD. Structure, functions, and mechanisms of substance p receptor action. J Invest Dermatol. 1992;98:2S-7S.
7. Pernow B. Substance P. Pharmacol Rev. 1983;35:85-141.
8. Bolton TB, Clapp LH. Endothelial-dependent relaxant actions of carbachol and substance p in arterial smooth muscle. Br J Pharmacol. 1986;87:713-723.
9. Diz DI, Fantz DL, Benter IF, Bosch SM. Acute depressor actions of angiotensin II in the nucleus of the solitary tract are mediated by substance P. Am J Physiol. 1997;273:R28-R34.
10. Tagawa T, Mohri M, Tagawa H, Egashira K, Shimokawa H, Kuga T, Hirooka Y, Takeshita A. Role of nitric oxide in substance p-induced vasodilation differs between the coronary and forearm circulations in humans. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1997;29:546 -553.
11. Naoko Kanda and Shinichi Watanabe . Substance P Enhances the Production of Interferon-induced Protein of 10 kDa by Human Keratinocytes in Synergy with Interferon- Journal of Investigative Dermatology 119, 1290-1297 (2002)
12. Kim DK, Oh EK, Summers BA, Prabhakar NR, Kumar GK. Release of substance P by low oxygen in the rabbit carotid body: evidence for the involvement of calcium channels. Brain Res. 2001 Feb 23;892(2):359-69.
13. Chen MJ, Chiang LY, Lai YL. Reactive oxygen species and substance P in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension. 1: Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2001;171:165-73.
14. Birklein F, Weber M, Neundorfer B. Increased skin lactate in complex regional pain syndrome: evidence for tissue hypoxia? Neurology. 2000;55:1213-5.
15. Leis S,WeberM, Isselmann A, SchmelzM, Birklein F. Substance-P-induced protein extravasation is bilaterally increased in complex regional pain syndrome. Exp Neurol 2003;183:197-204.
16. Ali Z, Raja S, Wesselmann U, et al. Intradermal injection of norepinephrine evokes pain in patients with sympathetically maintained pain. Pain 2000;88:161-8.
17. Koban M, Leis S, Schultze-Mosgau S, et al. Tissue hypoxia in complex regional pain syndrome. Pain 2003;104:149-57.
18. Zollinger P, Tuinebreijer W, Kreis R, et al. Effect of vitamin C on frequency of reflex sympathetic dystrophy in wrist fractures: a randomised trial. Lancet 1999;354:2025-8.
19. Perez R, Zuurmond W, Bezemer P, et al. The treatment of complex regional pain syndrome type I with free radical scavengers: a randomized controlled study. Pain 2003;102:297-307.
20. Noguchi K et al: Substance P induced by peripheral nerve injury in primary afferent sensory neurons and its effect on dorsal column nucleus neurons. J Neurosci. 1995;15:7633.
21. Milan P Stojanovic M. Stimulation Methods for Neuropathic Pain Contro. Current Pain and Headache Reports 2001, 5:130-137. // MGH Pain Center Department of Anesthesia and Critical Care, 15 Parkman Street, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 02114, USA // Current Pain and Headache Reports 2001, 5:130-137.
22. Ochoa J, Verdugo R. Mechanisms of neuropathic pain: nerve, brain, and psyche: perhaps the dorsal horn but not the sympathetic system. Clin Auton Res 2001;11:335-9.
23. Sicuteri F, Fanciullacci M, Nicolodi M, et al. Substance P theory: a unique focus on the painful and painless phenomena of cluster headache. Headache 1990;30:69-79.
24. Lynn B. Capsaicin. Actions on nociceptive C-fibers and therapeutic potential. Pain 1990;41:61-9.
25. DiSabato F, Giacovazzo M, Cristalli G, et al. Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on the immunoreactivity to substance P in the nasal mucosa of cluster headache patients. Headache 1996;36:221-3.
26. A. C. Brooks*,1, C. J. Whelan1 and W. M. Purcell2. Reactive oxygen species generation and histamine release by activated mast cells: modulation by nitric oxide synthase inhibition. British Journal of Pharmacology 128:585-590 (1999)
27. Fusco BM, Fiore G, Gallo F, et al. "Capsaicin-sensitive" sensory neurons in cluster headache: pathophysiological aspects and therapeutic indication. Headache 1994;34:132-7.
28. Ali M. Nature's Preoccupation With Complementarity and Contrariety, The Principles and Practice of Integrative Medicine Volume II. 2001. Washington, D.C. Capital University Press (in collaboration with Canary 21 Press, New York). &
29. Baynes J, Dominiczak MH. Medical Biochemistry. 1999. New York. Mosby. pp31-39.
30. Pascual J, Peralta G, Sanchez U. Preventive effects of hyperbaric oxygen in cluster headache. Headache 1995;35:260-1.
31. Mendizabal JE, Umana E, Zweifler RM. Cluster Headache: Horton's Cephalalgia Revisited. South Med J 1998;91:606-17 [review].
32. Ali M. The Cortical Monkey and Healing. 1991. Bloomfield, New Jersey. Life Span Books 1991.
33. Ali M. Miracles, and the Bite of the Gray Dog, 1997. Denville, New Jersey, Life Span Books.
34. Fogan L. Treatment of cluster headache. A double-blind comparison of oxygen v air inhalation. Arch Neurol 1985;43:362-3.
35. Kudrow L. Response of cluster headache attacks to oxygen inhalation. Headache 1981;21:1-4.
36. H eterocephalus glaber.
37. DiSabato F, Fusco BM, Pelaia P, Giacovazzo M. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in cluster headache. Pain 1993;52:243-5.
38 Ali M: Fibromyalgia: an oxidative-dysoxygenative disorder (ODD). J Integrative Medicine 1999; 3:17-37.
39. Ali M: Darwin, fatigue, and fibromyalgia. J Integrative Medicine 1999;3:5-10.
40. Ali M: ODD trigger points in fibromyalgia: pathogenesis, diagnosis, and resolution J Integrative Med 1999; 3:38-47.
41. Stanton-Hicks M, Janig W, Hassenbusch S, et al. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy: changing concepts and taxonomy. Pain. 1995;63:127-33. Also: Drummond P D. Involvement of the sympathetic nervous system in complex regional pain syndrome. 

Flood you body with Oxygen:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. The information presented through this Web site,,  is not medical advice, and is not given as medical advice. Nor is it intended to propose or offer to propose a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult a physician. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Chronic cellular hypoxia

Chronic cellular hypoxia as the prime cause of cancer: what is the de-oxygenating role of adulterated and improper ratios of polyunsaturated fatty acids when incorporated into cell membranes?


With the exception of melanoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the incidence of cancer has peaked in the last several years, but rates and mortality are still high. Moreover, despite 50 years of intensive cancer research increasingly focused on genetic causes, no single unifying cause for cancer has been established. Although it is well-known that tumors are hypoxic, and that there is a correlation between the level of hypoxia and prognosis, with the exception of Warburg's studies, little work has been done to investigate the relationship between hypoxia and cancer. Over 70 years ago, Warburg showed that cells could always be made cancerous by subjecting them to periods of hypoxia. Moreover, he demonstrated that once cells had converted to a cancerous state, reversion could not occur. Modern biochemistry acknowledges that there is a switch from oxidative phosphorylation to glycolysis in tumors that might be concurrent with hypoxia, but does not address the cancer causation. It is our hypothesis that long-term hypoxia of cells in the body, measured in years, is the primary trigger for cancer. We believe that the hypoxia, which has to meet Warburg's findings of a critical 35% reduction in intracellular oxygen levels to initiate cancer, is linked to the incorporation of adulterated, non-oxygenating, or inappropriate polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) into the phospholipids of cell and mitochondrial membranes. Such incorporation causes changes in membrane properties that impair oxygen transmission into the cell. Trans fats, partially oxidized PUFA entities, and inappropriate omega-6:omega-3 ratios are all potential sources of unsaturated fatty acids that can disrupt the normal membrane structure. In this paper, we explore this hypothesis by examining the evidence, and additionally propose an appropriate PUFA dosage for humans by analyzing requirements and taking into account current PUFA consumption patterns.
[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Hypoxia (also known as hypoxiation) is a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply.

Supply your body with Pure Organic Sulfur, which is the element that transfers oxygen to the cells. It is also one of the major building blocks of life and without you will not survive. Unfortunately during the 1950's with the introduction of Chemical fertilizers we lack the proper amount of Sulfur our bodies need to fight off cancer and other illnesses.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. The information presented through this Web site is not medical advice, and is not given as medical advice. Nor is it intended to propose or offer to propose a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult a physician.

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Monday, December 23, 2013 Health effects of sulphur Health effects of sulphur

Health effects of sulphur

Health effects of sulphur

All living things need sulphur. It is especially important for humans because it is part of the amino acid methionine, which is an absolute dietary requirement for us. The amino acid cysteine also contains sulphur. The average person takes in around 900 mg of sulphur per day, mainly in the form of protein.

Elemental sulphur is not toxic, but many simple sulphur derivates are, such as sulphur dioxide (SO2) and hydrogen sulfide.

Sulfur can be found commonly in nature as sulphides. During several processes sulfur bonds are added to the environment that are damaging to animals, as well as humans. These damaging sulphur bonds are also shaped in nature during various reactions, mostly when substances that are not naturally present have already been added. They are unwanted because of their unpleasant smells and are often highly toxic.

Globally sulphuric substances can have the following effects on human health:

- Neurological effects and behavioural changes
- Disturbance of blood circulation
- Heart damage
- Effects on eyes and eyesight
- Reproductive failure
- Damage to immune systems
- Stomach and gastrointestinal disorder
- Damage to liver and kidney functions
- Hearing defects
- Disturbance of the hormonal metabolism
- Dermatological effects
- Suffocation and lung embolism

The essential Sulfur that is absolutely needed for Cellular Regeneration must be Organic and Pure.
At Cellular-Oxygenation that is what we sell, 99.9% pure Organic Sulfur.
An essential element that carries oxygen to your cells so they can regenerate.
For more information and to order the purest form of Organic Sulfur:

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Drug’s do not heal but merely suppress symptoms

Organic sulfur crystal study healings (numerous conditions)

It’s too bad that the medical profession does not live up to this part of their oath.

Synthetic, toxic chemical prescription

Drug’s do not heal but merely suppress symptoms while never addressing the cause. Organic sulfur crystals, along with a relatively clean or synthetic chemical-free diet,

will dramatically change one’s health for the better, thereby improving one’s quality of life.

….   and, let us remember the foundations of healing

Original Hippocratic Oath

 The Cellular Matrix Study, centered around Organic Sulfur Crystals, was started 12 years ago,

after the Director’s son did not die of testicular cancer despite being sent home to die by the cancer doctors.

His therapy?

One tablespoon of Organic Sulfur Crystals twice a day.

Why twice a day? because the oxygen permeating the body from the crystals leaves the body in 12 hours.

Twice a day, therefore, creates an aerobic environment in the body constantly.

Originally, the study was started as a photographic study. All that was required was a before and after photograph, six months apart, of the face.

The photograph would have indicated the cellular transformation within the body- evident in the face. What happened was startling.

Telephone calls kept coming in from all parts of the world indicating unbelievable results. Before delving into that it should be noted that a study done at the Institute of Human Nutrition, School of Medicine, University of South Hampton in the UK, in 2006, discovered that the crystals produce all essential amino acids, the production of Omega3 fatty acids and B complex vitamins, including vitamin B-12 – a blessing for those that consume no animal flesh.


In addition to the reversal of cancer,


People with diabetes reported a minimum of a 20% reduction in their insulin requirements to total elimination of the need for insulin.

The lowering of the numbers increased exponentially when their diets increasingly became free from preservatives, pesticides and other toxic chemicals.


The situation with high blood pressure is best described as no one is still on blood pressure lowering medication. 


Those that were taking anti-depressants no longer take them. 


With regard to those with neurological and/or traumatic degenerative disease the response was slow. This is due to the fact that the myelin is multi-layered and thick and takes longer to respond.  Nonetheless, people reversed the degenerative process.


With regard to Parkinson’s disease, 37 people reported no longer shaking or drooling; 45 people reversed Alzheimer’s disease; 36 people reported reversals in emphysema; and also asthma reversal was reported. 


Six candidates for by-pass surgery reported being symptom free in 8 to 12 months. The most prolific result was the reversal of autism in a little girl that developed autism after being vaccinated two years ago.  She had been receiving the sulfur through mothers milk for three days.


With regard to osteoporosis, one person reported going from a (-) 3-bone density to a (+) 2 within 5 months and countless others reported the total alleviation of joint pain within days. Also reported were elimination of allergies, healthier skin, hair and nails, greater flexibility and increased blood circulation,


removal of hangover symptoms within 30 minutes, and reduction in the scar tissue associated with cataract surgery. People living in Hawaii are subjected to vog, which arises when southerly winds blow toxic vapor from the Big Island’s active volcano statewide. Those ingesting the crystals are not affected by the vapor. Overall, there has never been a complaint, as evidenced by the 70,000+ that have participated in the study, which has been on going for the past 12 years, except for the discomfort associated with the detoxification process that usually occurs within the first week of ingestion.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease. The information presented through this Web site,,  is not medical advice, and is not given as medical advice. Nor is it intended to propose or offer to propose a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any medical treatment, please consult a physician.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


NO fillers, flow agents, binders, anti-caking agents or preservatives — just pure Organic Sulfur.
100% American Made. The cleanest and purist source of Organic Sulfur (MSM) in the world. Cellular-Oxygenation ORGANIC SULFUR CRYSTALS are derived from 100% U.S. sourced DMSO that has gone through a stringent distillation process to convert it to a crystallized food grade MSM powder. Our sulfur crystals are the purest on the market at a guaranteed 99.9% purity level!
Organic Sulfur is found in the cells of all living organisms (plant & animal). Sulfur plays a critical role in the oxygenation and detoxification of all cells. Simply put, the “Sulfur Cycle” was broken over 70 years ago when farmers switched from using manure as a fertilizer to chemical based fertilizers and also began spraying the farmlands of the world with toxic pesticides. What few knew at the time is that these “man-made” agents would inhibit sulfur in the human body, eventually leading to a global disease epidemic. The fact is almost every person alive is “Sulfur Deficient”. What’s worse, most processed and packaged have little to no usable sulfur.

Organic Sulfur is not a drug or prescription medicine. It is a mineral food supplement that supplies the cells of the body with one of the most vital minerals necessary for oxygen uptake in the cells and cellular detoxification.

Do I hear you say “but I ALREADY HAVE some MSM!”? You might have some MSM, but unless it was produced the way our sulfur has been produced, is 100% guaranteed “Made in the USA”, and contains absolutely no binders, fillers or excipients, including silicon dioxide, the anti-caking ingredient that interferes with the uptake of sulfur to the cells, it will not protect you properly from the toxic load we’re under from chemtrails and sulfur deficiency in the foods we eat! It also won’t protect you optimally from the degenerative diseases that have been running rampant since the sulfur cycle was broken in the 1950s when farmers stopped using manure in favor of synthetic petroleum based fertilizers which increased crop yields but made the soil deficient in sulfur.

If you take the organic sulfur we sell and put some in a shot glass, pour in some hot water, and let it evaporate, you will see large crystals form. You need sulfur that will form large crystals to work optimally in your cells. If you take most commercially available MSM, and try this, due to the damage from heat in the manufacturing process it won’t form large crystals and it takes about five times as much to even approximate the results you’ll get from cheaper MSM products sold elsewhere.

This is a food supplement that every single person on the planet needs on hand to protect themselves from the chemical assault we’re under to protect their health. Order now!!!

Organic Sulfur has a long history as a healing agent in the human body. For centuries, mankind has soaked in sulfur-rich, mineral hot springs to help heal a variety of ailments. It is the presence of sulfur that is believed to assist in easing joint pain. MSM is a naturally occurring nutrient that provides the body with essential sulfur and methyl groups that are used in the healing and repair processes. It is these healing and repairing abilities that make it an optimal choice for athletes recovering from soft tissue and joint injuries. Organic Sulfur can safely be taken long term with no documented side effects!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any disease.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sulfur deficiency

Sulfur deficiency

Dr. Gabriel Cousens MD, author of Spiritual Nutrition is very adamant about the body’s need for sulfur …
“Sulfur connects the spirit and the body, mind to action, thoughts to action, and is the bridge between the worlds of the higher planes and the lower planes. Sulfur deficiency has been associated with depression, irritability, anger, rage, remorse, more emotional reliability, and more fear-based living and hypersensitivity. A normal mind is calmer and you are able to concentrate better. Sulfur is an important part of brain function and important to the heart, ligaments, joint function, liver, adrenals, pineal, and pituitary function.”
Sulfur is a mineral in our body that is needed for enzyme activity, hormone balance, and function of the immune system. It is an important component of collagen and connective tissues that assists the body in preventing inflammation and facilitating connective tissue repair. It is very useful for healing skin and digestive problems.

Top 20 signs of  sulfur deficiency:
    Itchy skin or scalp
    Diaper rash
    Migraine headaches
    Painful and irregular menstruation
    Sore throat
    Joint pain
    Hay fever
    Fever (hot and cold sweats)
    Bed wetting
    Breastfeeding problems

Some key sulfur-rich foods are:
    Aloe vera
    Bee pollen
    Brussel sprouts
    Hemp seeds
    Lima beans

If you are noticing any of these symptoms, turn up the volume on your sulfuric foods.

Organic Sulfur is a Food.... Because of chemical fertilizers there is very little if any in our foods.... Unless you grow your foods organically or buy Organic foods you are most likely Sulfur deficient
For more information click on the link below.